Principal's Message » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Family and Friends of PS 129Q: 

Thank you for exploring our vibrant learning community! 

We’re excited to share the amazing things happening here at PS 129Q.  We hope our website offers a glimpse into the joy, creativity, and academic and social-emotional growth that fill each day at our school. 

We believe that all CHILDREN CAN. Children can be CONFIDENT, ADVOCATE, and NOBLE. 

With families as our greatest partners and dedicated teachers and staff committed to nurturing social-emotional growth and providing academic excellence, we proudly celebrate our diverse students, who shine among the brightest.  

As we embark on the 2024-2025 school year, we look forward to a journey filled with joy, cherished traditions, new opportunities, and lasting friendships.  

Together, we will spark curiosity, ignite imagination, and achieve remarkable social-emotional and academic growth.  Indeed, CHILDREN CAN

In partnership, 

Angelique R. Hewlett

Principal | PS 129Q